Why maintain a healthy lawn? That is a good question to ask. It may seem easier to just not care about the health of your lawn; but having a healthy lawn can provide many benefits to you, and to your property. We will look at five benefits of maintaining a healthy lawn.
- A lawn will filter rainwater as it works its way into the ground. It also traps dust and other pollutants and converts them into usable matter for the plant itself.
- Just like all plants, grass will convert CO2 and other greenhouse gasses and convert them into usable oxygen. It is estimated that a 2,500 square foot healthy lawn, which is a very small turf stand, can produce enough oxygen to sustain a family of four.
- A healthy turf stand can help to cool its surroundings on hot days. Think of being on pavement on a hot day, and then being on grass, the grass is much cooler and more tolerable to be standing on.
- Maintaining grass creates an extensive and dense root system underground. The roots are what help to keep the soil in place when wind, water, or humans are causing erosion.
- A well maintained lawn helps to add to the value of a property. An increased property value is good not only for the homeowner, but also for the whole neighborhood.
An even better question may be why wouldn’t you want to maintain a healthy lawn? Having a healthy lawn is beneficial to the environment and to those who are using the lawn. It filters water, makes usable oxygen, reduced temperatures, slows erosion, and increases property values. So if you are thinking about caring less about your lawn, you may want to think again as there is a lot of value to a healthy lawn